
Spotlight on Footlights

Tuesday 26 November 2024


St Catharine’s students are again at the helm of the Cambridge Footlights, the world-famous student comedy troupe. Since the inaugural Footlights performance in June 1883, students have embraced the opportunity to stage comedy performances in Cambridge, on tour to other venues in the UK and USA, and at the Edinburgh Fringe. The St Catharine’s alumni among them include:

  • Richard Ayoade (1995, Law), who appeared in three tour shows and served as Vice-President 1996–97 and President 1997–98;
  • Paul King (1995, English), who directed the 2001–02 tour show; and
  • Ben Miller (1985, Natural Sciences), who appeared in the 1989–90 tour show and directed the 1990–91 tour show.

Serving on this year’s Footlights Committee are Helen Brookes (a third-year Classics undergraduate) as Secretary and Matt Edge (2018, Natural Sciences; back for a Chemistry PhD) as Smokers Officer, responsible for organising Smokers or comedy variety nights. Tom Sweeney (a final-year Natural Sciences undergraduate) also performs as a regular member of the troupe.

Helen was well-aware of Footlights before she arrived at Catz but never expected it to be such an important part of her Cambridge experience.

She said, “Before Catz, I was mainly interested in acting and hadn’t considered comedy. I tried my hand at auditioning for Footlights sketch shows found it really fun. I’ve since directed a few and haven’t looked back! I enjoy both stand up and sketches, but sketch comedy is definitely where my heart lies: a personal favourite was the horror sketch show called ‘Seven Sketchy Sins’, for which I was a performer as well as a first-time director.”

Matt, who may be better known by some for rowing at stroke when Cambridge won the 2024 Men’s Race, has managed to find time for comedy alongside his rowing schedule and PhD research. 

He commented, “I’d always liked comedy so went along to the Footlights stand at the 2018 Freshers’ Fair to sign up. The introductory workshop clashed with a lab session and so I couldn't make it. I thought I had missed the boat and had a laundry list of other societies to try as a Fresher but I headed back to the Freshers’ Fair in October 2023 and put my name down again. The second time was the charm! I was able to make sure to attend the introductory workshop that Footlights organise for Freshers and successfully auditioned for a Freshers’ Smoker. I’ve been involved ever since and, while I enjoy stand up and getting roped into the odd sketch, it is rewarding as Smokers Officer to be able to give others their opportunity to get involved.”

Matt Edge back stage at a Footlights Smoker
Matt in control of proceedings at a recent Smoker


Helen and Matt both wanted to encourage the St Catharine’s community to come along to watch and support student performers, as well as performing themselves. 

Helen commented, “It is really encouraging as a performer when you get a large, supportive crowd so Catz people are always welcome. Tickets are available from the ADC Theatre website and ticket office, and Smokers cost as little as £5 each for students. If you sign up as a steward, you can even watch for free! Tickets are often available on the night, but we’ve recently had a spate of sold-out nights so it’s definitely worth checking online.”

Matt said, “Smokers are open to anyone, anytime of the year, and we’re keen to see new talent. They offer a great environment in which to try out new stand-up material, sketches and comedy songs in a 5-minute slot. We also run workshops that are open to all and writers’ room sessions, which meant I could get my material checked over before I ever got on stage. Follow us on social media and sign up to mailing lists if you want to get involved.”

The end of term is a busy time of year for the Footlights Committee, as Helen explains:

“We’re gearing up for the annual pantomime, which is always popular. This year’s is Snow White (running 27 November–7 December), with our lead character finding herself in the company of motley boy band members in place of the traditional seven dwarfs (Tom Sweeney has been cast as Happy). We also need to begin assembling our international tour show and everyone’s looking forward to going on tour and to Edinburgh in the summer.”

Cambridge Footlights' 2024 pantomime production of Snow White
Snow White featuring Tom Sweeney as Happy (third from right)


Tom added, “It’s been an absolute joy to be a part of the Footlights! I was very nervous to perform in my first couple of smokers, but I very quickly realised how supportive and friendly the other comedians in Cambridge are, and I suddenly found myself part of a lovely community, performing in sketch shows, comedy plays, and now the pantomime. Becoming a member was very exciting, and it was great to see so many of those friendly faces within the membership and the committee.

“The pantomime is the biggest show I have ever been involved with, which is a bit nerve-wracking, but I’m looking forward to it. Lots of people have put lots of work into getting the show onto the stage, and luckily, they are all wonderful. There has been a real sense of holiday magic throughout the rehearsals, and I hope that translates on stage!”