
College policies

Capability Policy (June 2023)

CCTV Policy (updated July 2023)

Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech (June 2024)

College Health and Safety Policy (updated July 2024)

Dignity at Work Policy (June 2023)

Disciplinary Policy (June 2023)

Dress Code Guidelines (May 2019

Allocation of Tips Statement of Practice (October 2024)

Equal Opportunities Policy (June 2023)

External Events & Speakers Policy (updated June 2024)

Filming, Photography and Recording Policy (March 2023)

First Aid Policy (updated July 2024)

Flag Policy (updated March 2024)

Flexible Working Policy (updated April 2024)

Grievance Policy (updated May 2023)

Heating Policy (updated December 2024)

Investment Policy (updated June 2024)

Maternity Pay Policy (updated July 2024)

Noticeboard Policy (February 2024)

Organisational Change and Redundancy Policy (updated April 2024)

Personal Relationships Between Staff and Students Policy (updated July 2024)

Safeguarding Policy (updated June 2024)

Sickness Absence Management Policy (June 2022)

Social Media Policy (June 2024)

Social media guidance for Fellows and staff (updated June 2021)

Staff Working Time, TOIL, Overtime and Flexi-time Policy (updated June 2023)

Visiting Speaker Expenses Policy (February 2024)

Whistleblowing Policy (July 2024)