
Groups for alumni & supporters

The College helps alumni and supporters connect through a network of different groups in the UK and internationally.

The Society

 As well as the benefits and events offered by the Alumni and Development Office, as an alumnus of St Catharine's, you are also encouraged to engage with the St Catharine's College Alumni Society (SCCAS or The Society). The Society was founded in 1923 and is a lifelong, global community of over 10,000 alumni.

>> Visit the Society website

Alumni groups in the UK

The Society (SCCAS) also has up to ten UK regional branches, so alumni will be kept informed about local events within each branch based on their home postcode (depending on communication preferences). If you'd like to be added to your local mailing list, or indeed a mailing list outside of your area, contact us.

International alumni groups

There are now many groups around the world for St Catharine's Members: please see a list of these on the University website by filtering for St Catharine's College. We are grateful to the volunteers for their organisation of events for these groups. If you are interested in participating in events more locally, please contact us and we will be pleased to put you in touch with the contact for your area if applicable. 

Supporter communities

Find out more about the 1473 Foundation, Mary Ramsden Circle and Woodlark Society.

Contact details

Alumni & Development Office
+44 (0)1223 338337
Email us