This 10-point practical checklist outlines requirements for groups / organisations that wish to market events taking place within the collegiate University. Organisations in the process of developing marketing materials are to liaise with the Conference / Events Manager at all venues involved in the event to ensure compliance.
- All materials for groups hosting programmes must adhere to laws and statutes governing trade marks and copyrights so that the University name and associated marks - as well as the College name and any associated marks - cannot be used in any way to imply endorsement of unofficial units or unaffiliated organisations within the Collegiate University.
- Of particular note, names/titles using ‘Cambridge’ as part of the 3rd party’s own branding and/or programme branding are not permitted (nor language that is similar to pre-existing entities within the Collegiate University); this will infringe the trade mark rights we hold to the word mark ‘Cambridge’ itself (i.e without words ‘University of’).
- Marketing materials should make it clear that their group / organisation is the hosting organisation of the event. Therefore, the hosting organisation’s logo and visual identity and/or group name should be prevalent throughout the materials. References to Cambridge should generally indicate the event is happening at X College, Cambridge. It must be clear that X College is just the venue and that the event is not directly or indirectly associated with the collegiate University.
- The hosting organisation’s contact information should be prevalent in all marketing materials. College contact information should generally not be included in materials.
- Links and references to College website(s) should be used only to inform audiences about the location where the event will be taking place (i.e. driving directions, general information, etc.). They should not be a key source of information for the organisation’s event.
- Visual cues and images of the collegiate University should not be the central focus of the hosting organisation’s marketing materials. The content and purpose of the organisation’s event or meeting should remain the focus throughout the marketing materials — not the location where the event is taking place.
- The following visual cues images are not permitted in any marketing materials
- photos or visual representations of iconic symbols and buildings within the collegiate University, including
- any images that include the University logo and coat of arms
- use of our iconic Cambridge blue colourway
- photos of the interior or exterior of any library in the collegiate University - Photos including people at the collegiate University should not include anyone that is identifiable without written permission from the assigned Conference Manager.
- Any photography, video and audio to be taken at the event must be approved prior to groups coming onto the premises.
- Neither the University of Cambridge logo/coat of arms or a College coat of arms should be used by any third party unless expressed written permission is given by the Office of External Affairs and Communications (contact brand@cam.ac.uk.) or the College in question. This is because a coat of arms is seen as conveying ‘official’ approval at a higher level than use of the name alone.
Produced by the Office of External Affairs and Communications, University of Cambridge, June 2023