Everyone is welcome to come to Chapel services, which take place regularly during term time and on special occasions throughout the year.
Details of forthcoming services are posted below, including information on how to attend in person or online (once the streaming system is working again!). You can scroll down for descriptions of regular services, and more information about what to expect when you come to a Chapel service.
Regular Chapel Services begin again in October
Luminaria - Tuesday 8 October at 6.30pm
A beautiful, candle lit service, sung by the Girls' Choir
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Night Songs - Thursday 10 October at 9.30pm
A short and beautiful candle lit service, sung by he Chapel Choir with additional music by College musicians, followed by hot chocolate / port / juice (please bring your own mug if you can!)
Join online
Eucharist - Sunday 13 Octoberat 10am
An informal and friendly celebration of Holy Communion with a short sermon, followed by brunch.
Choral Evensong - Sunday 9 June at 6pm
With music from the choir, and a sermon, followed by prosecco / juice.
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More about the regular termtime Chapel services
Luminaria is a beautiful, candlelit service, sung by our Girls' Choir (girls from local schools age 8-14). It takes place on Tuesdays (except during the school half term) at 6.30pm, and lasts about half an hour. People who come regularly have described it as 'an oasis of peace' and 'the one time in the week when I can just let the beautiful music and atmosphere wash over me'.
You are welcome to attend in person or join online
Night Songs takes place on most Thursdays at 9.30pm
It features music from the Chapel Choir and performances by College musicians. It's a very short service - less than half an hour - and is designed to be relaxing and beautiful, and those who come along can just sit and enjoy the music and the atmosphere. If you arrive late, you're still welcome, just come in quietly. The service is followed by port or hot chocolate. If you can bring your own mug for the hot chocolate that will help us to cut down on single use cups.
You are welcome to attend in person or join online
Choral Evensong takes place on Sundays at 6pm, and includes music from the Chapel Choir and an address (usually from a guest preacher). This is the most formal service of the week, and you'll find that most people do stand up and sit down where the service sheets indicates, and most will also join in with the singing and saying the words printed in bold, but as with all chapel services, you don't have to join in if you're not comfortable doing so. Fellows often come to this service, and usually wear a gown, but gowns aren't compulsory at all.
The service is followed by prosecco/juice.
You are welcome to attend in person or join online
Holy Communion takes place on Sundays at 10am. It's quite laid back in many ways. If you're late, please do come in anyway, and just help yourself to a service sheet and hymn book on your way in. If you're used to receiving communion (the bread and wine) in any Christian Church, you're welcome to receive in Chapel if you're comfortable doing so in an Anglican service. Otherwise when it comes to that bit of the service you can come forward for a blessing or just stay in your seat - nobody will mind which you do.
The service is followed by brunch in the dining hall - anyone who has been at the service gets a free brunch token.
This service isn't streamed, but you are welcome to attend in person, whether or not you're a member of St Catharine's.
The Christian Union prayer breakfast takes place on Fridays at 8am in Chapel during term time, and are always welcoming of people who want to come along either regularly or just sometimes.
Coming to Chapel
Can anyone come?
Yes! Everyone is welcome in the College Chapel, and you can come as you are. You don't have to be religious to come into the chapel or to attend a service. You are welcome to come into the Chapel if you are of a different faith (though I recognise that for some faith traditions you might not be comfortable coming into a Christian place of worship - please do feel free to use the Multifaith Prayer Room.)
Is the Chapel accessible, and affirming?
We aim to make the Chapel safe and welcoming for everyone. We are LGBTQ+ affirming, and people of all sexualities and genders are also welcome and encouraged to share in leadership roles such as reading, leading prayers, being a chapel warden etc if you would like to do so. We are currently working on a better and more permanent solution to enable step free access between the antechapel and chapel. If you are a wheelchair user who is unable to navigate steps, please contact the porters lodge for advice.
Where can I sit and what's the seating like?
At Evensong (and a small number of particularly formal services through the year), the back row of the block of seating nearest the archway is set aside for Fellows, but there are plenty of others seats; at all other services you can sit wherever you like, other than in the choir stalls (the choir stalls are the block of seats nearerst the altar). If in doubt, go for the middle section of seating!
The seating in Chapel isn't especially comfortable, despite the cushions! If you find the seating particularly uncomfortable due to a health condition or disability you're are very welcome to make use of the more comfy chairs on either side of the aisle. There are also blankets available when it's chilly.
Is there a dress code?
You don't have to dress up in especially formal clothes to come to Chapel, though some people choose to, generally if they're going straight to a formal hall afterwards; you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable. Some people like to wear a gown, especially if they're going on to a formal hall afterwards, but you don't have to. It's usual (but not required) to wear a gown if you are doing one of the readings at Evensong, and there's a spare one in Chapel if you volunteer at the last minute or if you don't have your own. Fellows usually wear gowns to Sunday evensong.
Can I get more involved?
Yes, absolutely! Both Sunday services need people to read the readings and lead the intercessions, and you can also offer to be a chapel warden at Choral Evensong, which involves lighting candles, helping to welcome people, giving out service sheets, pouring drinks afterwards etc. You don't have to be religious to help out in Chapel, and volunteers are always welcome. If you volunteer to be the chapel warden at Choral Evensong you get a free dinner afterwards!
We're also looking for people to join the small 'eco church' working group that is looking at ways for the Chapel to develop its sustainability and ecotheology work.