
Family & friends

Our community at St Catharine's spans far further than simply our students, staff and fellows. The wider support network provided by the family and friends of our College is imperative to the happiness and success of our students. 


A range of publications are produced for throughout the year. You can use the links below to access our main publications and find out more about the College. If you would like to sign up to receive regular newsletters and publications, please sign up.


Chapel Services

We welcome members and their friends and families to Chapel Services. The St Catharine's College Girls' Choir sings Luminaria every Tuesday at 6:30pm, and the College Choir sings Evensong every Sunday in Full Term at 6pm. There is College Eucharist every Sunday morning during term at 10am. 

Contact details

Alumni & Development Office
+44 (0)1223 338337
Email us