
Dr Hend Hanafy

Subject: Law
Criminal law and penal theory, legal and political philosophy, justification of punishment and legitimacy of state authority.
Assistant Professor in Criminal Law

Hend Hanafy is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Law at the University of Cambridge. Hend was the Richard Fellingham Teaching and Research Fellow in Law at St Catharine’s College. Prior to joining St Catharine's, Hend was a Bye-Fellow and Director of Studies in Law at Christ's College and completed her doctoral research at Girton College, University of Cambridge. Before joining Cambridge, Hend was an Assistant Lecturer at Cairo University. Her research focuses on criminal law and penal theory with an interdisciplinary lens that engages with political philosophy and legitimacy, particularly in contexts of social and political injustices.

Hend Hanafy, ‘Bentham: Punishment and the Utilitarian Use of Persons as Means’, Journal of Bentham Studies 19, no. 1 (June 2021): 1–23.

Hend Hanafy. ‘Public Wrongs and Power Relations in Non-Democratic & Illiberal Polities’. Criminal Law and Philosophy (2023).