Statistical physics of non-equilibrium systems, complex networks, condensed matter physics.
Non-equilibrium phase transitions in disordered networks. Non-equilibrium phase transitions are characteristic of capillary condensation, magnetisation reversal in ferromagnets, population dynamics and epidemics. We study, in particular, the non-equilibrium phenomena in systems described by the random-field Ising model, such as capillary condensation in porous media within the lattice-gas model.
Synergistic effects for spreading processes. Spreading of infection, opinion and rumours through networks of hosts often occurs in regimes with strong non-linear (synergy) interactions between hosts. We study how the synergy effects influence the dynamics of the spreading processes.
Sir Harvey McGrath College Lecturer; Director of Studies in Computer Science; Director of Studies in Mathematics for Natural Scientists; Director of Studies in Physical Natural Sciences; IT Fellow; Tutor
Dr Sergei Taraskin is overall Director of Studies in NST IA (physical option), Director of Studies in Maths for NST students, Director of Studies in Physics IA and Director of Studies in Computer Science. By education and at heart, he is a theoretical physicist. Educated in Moscow and working in Cambridge since 1993, Sergei's main research interests lie in the areas of non-equilibrium statistical physics and complex systems. He supervises many of our natural science students in their various mathematics options.
Effect of disorder on condensation in the lattice gas model on a random graph', TP Handford, A Dear, FJ Pérez-Reche, SN Taraskin, Physical Review E (2014) 90, 012144 (DOI: 10.1103/physreve.90.012144)
'Effects of variable-state neighborhoods for spreading synergystic processes on lattices', SN Taraskin, FJ Pérez-Reche, Physical Review E (2013) 88, ARTN 062815 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.062815)
'Steady-state random walk on connected graph of arbitrary topology with random and non-symmetric transition rates', SN Taraskin, Physica Status Solidi B (2013) 250, 1029
'Zero-temperature random-field Ising model on a bilayered Bethe lattice', TP Handford, FJ Pérez-Reche, SN Taraskin, Physical Review E (2013) 88, 022117 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.022117)
'Mechanisms of evolution of avalanches in regular graphs', TP Handford, FJ Pérez-Reche, SN Taraskin – Physical Review E (2013) 87, 062122 (DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.062122)