Authors affiliated with BioRISC are included in bold.
Bolam, F.C., Grainger, M.J., Mengersen, K.L., Stewart, G.B., Sutherland, W.J., Runge, M.C. & McGowan, P.J.K. 2019. Using the value of information to improve conservation decision making. Biol. Rev. 94: 629 – 647.
Browne, D.H., Aldridge, D.C., Rhodes, C., & Sutherland, W.J. 2019. Brexit threatens Biosecurity. Nature 567: 461.
Cheng, S.H., McKinnon, M.C., Masuda, Y.J., Garside, R., Jones, K.W., Miller, D.C., Pullin, A.S., Sutherland, W.J., Augustin, C., Gill, D.A., Wongbusarakum, S. & Wilkie, D. 2020. Strengthen causal models for better conservation outcomes for human well-being. PLoS ONE 15(3): e0230495.
Christie, A., Amano, T., Martin, P., Simmons, B., Shackelford, G. & Sutherland, W.J. 2019. Simple study designs in ecology produce inaccurate estimates of biodiversity responses. Journal of Applied Ecology 56(12): 2742 - 2754.
Christie, A., Tatsuya, A., Petrovan, S., Smith, R., Martin, P.A., Williams, D.R., Simmons, B.I., Shackelford, G. & Sutherland, W.J. In Press. The challenge of biased evidence in conservation. Conservation Biology
Christie, A. P., Amano, T., Martin, P. A., Petrovan, S. O., Shackelford, G. E., Simmons, B. I., Smith, R. K., Williams, D. R., Wordley, C. F. R., & Sutherland, W. J. In Press. Poor availability of context-specific evidence hampers decision-making in conservation. Biological Conservation 248.
Cooke, J., Araya, Y., Bacon, K.L., Bagniewska, J.M., Batty, L., Bishop, T.R., Burns, M., Charalambous, M., Daversa, D.R., Dougherty, L.R., Dyson, M., Fisher, A.M., Forman, D., Garcia, C., Harney, E., Hesselberg, T., John, E.A., Knell, R., Maseyk, K., Mauchline, A.L., Peacock, J., Pernetta, A.P., Pritchard, J., Sutherland, W.J., Thomas, R.L., Tigar, B., Wheeler, P., White, R.L., Worsfold, N.T. & Lewis, Z. In Press. Teaching and learning in ecology: a horizon scan of emerging challenges and solutions. Oikos
Downey, H., T. Amano, M. Cadotte, C.N. Cook, S.J. Cooke, N.R. Haddaway, J.P.G. Jones, N. Littlewood, J.C. Walsh, M.I. Abrahams, G. Adum, M. Akasaka, J.A. Alves, R.E. Antwis, E.C. Arellano, J. Axmacher, H. Barclay, L. Batty, A. Benítez-López, J.R. Bennett, M.J. Berg, S. Bertolino, D. Biggs, F.C. Bolam, T. Bray, B.W. Brook, J.W. Bull, Z. Burivalova, M. Cabeza, A.L.M. Chauvenet, A.P. Christie, L. Cole, A.J. Cotton, S. Cotton, S.A.O. Cousins, D. Craven, W. Cresswell, J.J. Cusack, S. Dalrymple, Z.G. Davies, A. Diaz, J.A. Dodd, A. Felton, E. Fleishman, C.J. Gardner, R. Garside, A. Ghoddousi, J.J. Gilroy, D.A. Gill, J.A. Gill, L. Glew, M.J. Grainger, A.A. Grass, S. Greshon, J. Gundry, T. Hart, C.R. Hopkins, C. Howe, A. Johnson, K.W. Jones, N.R. Jordan, T. Kadoya, D. Kerhoas, J. Koricheva, T.M. Lee, S. Lengyel, S.W. Livingstone, A. Lyons, G. McCabe, J. Millett, C. Montes Strevens, A. Moolna, H.L. Mossman, N. Mukherjee, A. Muñoz-Sáez, N. Negrões, O. Norfolk, T. Osawa, S. Papworth, K.J. Park, J. Pellet, A.D. Phillott, J. Plotnik, D. Priatna, A.G. Ramos, N. Randall, R.M. Richards, E.G. Ritchie, D.L. Roberts, R. Rocha, J.P. Rodríguez, R. Sanderson, T. Sasaki, S. Savilaakso, C. Sayer, C. Sekercioglu, M. Senzaki, G. Smith, R.J. Smith, M. Soga, C.D. Soulsbury, M.D. Steer, G. Stewart, E.F. Strange, A.J. Suggitt, R.R.J. Thompson, S. Thompson, I. Thornhill, R.J. Trevelyan, H.O. Usieta, O. Venter, A.D. Webber, R.L. White, M.J. Whittingham, A. Wilby, R.W. Yarnell, V. Zamora and W.J. Sutherland. In Press. Training future generations to deliver evidence-based conservation and ecosystem management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence.
Esmail, N., Wintle, B.C., 't Sas-Rolfes, M., Athanas, A., Beale, C.M., Bending, Z., Dai, R., Fabinyi, M., Gluszek, S., Haenlein, C., Harrington, L.A., Hinsley, A., Kariuki, K., Lam, J., Markus, M., Paudel, K., Shukhova, S., Sutherland, W.J., Verissimo, D., Wang, Y., Waugh, J., Wetton, J.H., Workman, C., Wright, J. & Milner-Gulland, E.J. In press. Emerging illegal wildlife trade issues: a global horizon scan. Conservation Letters. doi: 10.1111/conl.12715
Evans, S.W., Beal, J., Berger, K., Bleijs, D.A., Cagnetti, A., Ceroni, F., Epstein, G.L., Garcia-Reyero, N., Gillum, D.R., Harkess, G., Hillson, N.J., Hogervorst, P.A.M., Jordan, J.L., Lacroix, G., Moritz, R., ÓhÉigeartaigh, S.S., Palmer, M.J. & van Passel, M.W.J. (2020) Embrace experimentation in biosecurity governance. Science, 368, 138–140.
Gallardo, B. & Aldridge, D.C. (2020) Priority setting for invasive species management by the water industry. Water research, 178, 115771.
Gallardo, B., Castro-Díez, P., Saldaña-López, A. & Alonso, Á. (2020) Integrating climate, water chemistry and propagule pressure indicators into aquatic species distribution models. Ecological indicators, 112, 106060.
Kemp, L., Adam, L., Boehm, C.R., Breitling, R., Casagrande, R., Dando, M., Djikeng, A., Evans, N.G., Hammond, R., Hills, K., Holt, L.A., Kuiken, T., Markotić, A., Millett, P., Napier, J.A., Nelson, C., ÓhÉigeartaigh, S.S., Osbourn, A., Palmer, M., Patron, N.J., Perello, E., Piyawattanametha, W., Restrepo-Schild, V., Rios-Rojas, C., Rhodes, C., Roessing, A., Scott, D., Shapira, P., Simuntala, C., Smith, R.D., Sundaram, L.S., Takano, E., Uttmark, G., Wintle, B., Zahra, N.B. & Sutherland, W.J. (2020) Bioengineering horizon scan 2020. eLife, 9.
Martin, P.A., Shackelford, G.E., Bullock, J.M., Gallardo, B., Aldridge, D.C. & Sutherland, W.J. (2020) Management of UK priority invasive alien plants: a systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence, 9, 1.
Pettorelli N., Brotherton, P.N.M., Davies, Z.G., Ockendon, N., Sutherland, W.J., & Vickery, J.A. 2020. Successfully translating conservation research into practice and policy: concluding thoughts. p327-330. in Sutherland, W.J., Brotherton, P.N.M., Davies, Z.G., Ockendon, N., Pettorelli N., & Vickery, J.A. Conservation Research, Policy and Practice. Cambridge University Press
Pérez-Jvostov, F., Sutherland, W.J., Barrett, R.D.H., Brown, C.A., Cardille, J.A., Cooke, S.J., Cristescu, M.E., Fortin St-Gelais, N., Fussmann, G.F., Griffiths, K., Hendry, A.P., Lapointe, N.W.R., Nyboer, E.A., Pentland, R.L., Reid, A.J., Ricciardi, A., Sunday, J.M. & Gregory-Eaves I. 2020. Horizon scan of conservation issues for inland waters in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77(5): 869-881.
Petrovan, S.O., Aldridge, D.C., Bartlett, H., Bladon, A.J., Booth, H., Broad, S., Broom, D.M., Burgess, N., Cleaveland, S., Cunningham, A.A., Ferri, M., Hinsley, A., Hua, F., Hughes, A.C., Jones, K., Kelly, M., Mayes, G., Radakovic, M., Ugwu, C.A., Uddin, N., Verissimo, D., Walzer, C., White, T.B., Wood, J. & Sutherland, W.J. (2020) Post COVID-19: a solution scan of options for preventing future zoonotic epidemics. OSF.
Rose, D.C., Mukherjee, N., Simmons, B.I., Tew, E.R., Robertson, R.J., Vadrot, A.B.M., Doubleday, R. & Sutherland, W.J. In Press. Policy windows for the environment: tips for improving the uptake of scientific knowledge. Environmental Science and Policy.
Shackelford, G.E., Kemp, L., Rhodes, C., Sundaram, L., ÓhÉigeartaigh, S.S., Beard, S., Belfield, H., Weitzdörfer, J., Avin, S., Sørebø, D., Jones, E.M., Hume, J.B., Price, D., Pyle, D., Hurt, D., Stone, T., Watkins, H., Collas, L., Cade, B.C., Johnson, T.F., Freitas-Groff, Z., Denkenberger, D., Levot, M. & Sutherland, W.J. (2020) Accumulating evidence using crowdsourcing and machine learning: A living bibliography about existential risk and global catastrophic risk. Futures, 116, 102508.
Shackelford, G.E., Martin, P.A., Hood, A.S.C., Christie, A.P., Kulinskaya, E. & Sutherland, W.J. (2021) Dynamic meta-analysis: a method of using global evidence for local decision making. BMC biology, 19, 33.
Sousa, R., Ferreira, A., Carvalho, F., Lopes-Lima, M., Varandas, S., Teixeira, A. & Gallardo, B. (2020) Small hydropower plants as a threat to the endangered pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera. The Science of the total environment, 719, 137361.
Sutherland, W., Aldridge, D., Martin, P., Rhodes, C., Shackelford, G., Beard, S., Bladon, A., Brick, C., Burgman, M., Christie, A., Dicks, L., Dobson, A., Downey, H., Hood, A., Hua, F., Hughes, A., Jarvis, R., MacFarlane, D., Morgan, W., Mupepele, A.-C., Marciniak, S., Nelson, C., hEigeartaigh, S., Rojas, C., Sainsbury, K., Smith, R., Sundaram, L., Tankard, H., Taylor, N., Thornton, A., Watkins, J., White, T., Willott, K. & Petrovan, S. (2020) Informing management of lockdowns and a phased return to normality: a Solution Scan of non-pharmaceutical options to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission.
Sutherland, W.J. & Lythgoe, K.A. (2020) Coronavirus: full peer review in hours. Nature, 584, 192.
Sutherland, W.J., Alvarez‐Castañeda, S.T., Amano, T., Ambrosini, R., Atkinson, P., Baxter, J.M., Bond, A.L., Boon, P.J., Buchanan, K.L., Barlow, J., Bogliani, G., Bragg, O.M., Burgman, M., Cadotte, M.W., Calver, M., Cooke, S.J., Corlett, R.T., Devictor, V. Ewen, J.G., Fisher, M., Freeman, G., Game, E. Godley, B.J., Gortázar, C., Hartley, I.R., Hawksworth, D.L., Hobson, K.A., Lu, M-L., Martín‐López, B., Ma, K., Machado, A., Maes, D., Mangiacotti, M., McCafferty, D.J., Melfi, V., Molur, S., Moore, A.J., Murphy, S.D., Norris, D., van Oudenhoven, A.P.E., Powers, J., Rees, E.I., Schwartz, M.W., Storch, I. & Wordley, C. (2020) Ensuring tests of conservation interventions build on existing literature. Conservation Biology 34, 781-3.
Sutherland, W.J. (2020). Conservation science – the need for a new paradigm founded on robust field evidence. In: Burt, T. & Thompson, D. (Eds.) Curious about Nature: A Passion for Fieldwork. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Sutherland, W.J., Brotherton, P., Davies, Z., Ockendon, N., Pettorelli, N., & Vickery, J. (Eds.). (2020). Conservation Research, Policy and Practice (Ecological Reviews). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sutherland, W.J., Brotherton, P.N.M., Davies, Z.G., Ockendon, N., Pettorelli N., & Vickery, J.A. (2020). Making a difference in conservation: linking science and practice. p1-8 in Sutherland, W.J., Brotherton, P.N.M., Davies, Z.G., Ockendon, N., Pettorelli N., & Vickery, J.A. Conservation Research, Policy and Practice. Cambridge University Press.
Tang, F. & Aldridge, D.C. (2019) Microcapsulated biocides for the targeted control of invasive bivalves. Scientific reports, 9, 18787.
Tang, F., Kemp, J.S. & Aldridge, D.C. (2020) Life on the edge: Compensatory growth and feeding rates at environmental extremes mediates potential ecosystem engineering by an invasive bivalve. The Science of the total environment, 706, 135741.
Trump, B.D., Galaitsi, S.E., Appleton, E., Bleijs, D.A., Florin, M.-V., Gollihar, J.D., Hamilton, R.A., Kuiken, T., Lentzos, F., Mampuys, R., Merad, M., Novossiolova, T., Oye, K., Perkins, E., Garcia-Reyero, N., Rhodes, C. & Linkov, I. (2020) Building biosecurity for synthetic biology. Molecular systems biology, 16, e9723.
Tzachor, A., Whittlestone, J., Sundaram, L. & hÉigeartaigh, S.Ó. (2020) Artificial intelligence in a crisis needs ethics with urgency. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2, 365–366.
Vilà M., Dunn, A.M., Essl, F., Gómez-Díaz, E., Hulme, P.E., Jeschke, J.M., Núñez, M.A., Ostfeld, R.S., Pauchard, A., Ricciardi, A. Gallardo, B. (2021). Viewing emerging human infectious epidemics through the lens of invasion biology". BioScience, biab047. DOI: 10.1093/biosci/biab047
Sundaram L.S. (2021). Biosafety in DIY-bio laboratories: from hype to policy. EMBO Reports, 22, e52506.