
A tale of two Presidents

Monday 24 October 2022


A new Fellow of St Catharine’s has been elected to the role of College President, effective from 1 October 2022. Professor Katharine Dell (1996) succeeds Dr Peter Wothers (1988, Natural Sciences; 1997), who had reached the end of his three-year term.

The President has seniority and precedence within the Fellowship of St Catharine’s and, consequently, is a leading figure in the College community and may deputise for the Master on certain occasions. Read on for reflections on this important role from Professor Dell (KD) and Dr Wothers (PW).

Professor Katharine Dell and Dr Peter Wothers
Professor Katharine Dell and Dr Peter Wothers

How has the role developed in the College’s history?

PW: “Historically, the role of President tended to fall to the most senior member of the Fellowship, usually just before their retirement. My election at a much earlier stage in my career was unusual and represented the College breaking with tradition. This was, perhaps, inevitable since many of our senior Fellows have so many other calls on their time, such as being Heads of their faculties, or holding other major roles in the University. Katharine too, though, breaks with the pre-retirement mould and pioneers a female Fellow in the role.”

KD: “I think the College is fortunate that the role has changed over time to keep up with the changing needs of the Fellowship. When you think that no previous President had to experience COVID-19 before, with all the associated disruption to College life, it was vital that we had a role that could be flexible accordingly.”

PW: “In the past, Presidents definitely interpreted and delivered their responsibilities in their own ways, according to the circumstances at the time and their own strengths. For instance, Professor Peter Tyler (1983; Emeritus Fellow 2020) preceded me and he had earlier led the team overseeing the construction of the McGrath Centre; I’ve emulated this with my involvement in the Central Spaces building project – something I have particularly enjoyed.”

KD: “We can already see how that project is benefitting our community: as you walk around College now, people are enjoying the chance to connect in these beautiful spaces. After the pandemic pushed so many College meetings online, I am hugely relieved to start the new academic year and my term as President with plenty of opportunities to meet others face-to-face. I will be thinking carefully about how the role of President can nurture these connections and how to make the most of our new facilities.”

What are the duties and roles of the President now?

Officially, the President’s duties and roles encompass four main areas:

  • Governance: the functions outlined in the College statutes; chairing or serving on College committees and working groups; and supporting the process of appointing a new Master as required
  • Inductions & introductions: inducting and welcoming any new Master, and all new Fellows and holders of Fellowship titles; and advising and supporting a new Master
  • Master & Fellows: acting as a representative of the Fellowship, including providing a communications conduit between the Fellows and the Master
  • Social matters: Deputising for the Master at dinners or other events when needed, and overseeing College Dining Nights and other such dinners in conjunction with the Fellows’ Steward

KD: “One of Peter’s last duties was to oversee the admission of our newest members of the Fellowship on 30 September, and from then on pass these responsibilities to me – and I think the handover has gone pretty smoothly. On 14 October, for example, I deputised for the Master at the reunion for alumni who matriculated in 2011, and gave a speech which updated them about all our new initiatives, including the new St Catharine self-portrait in chapel and the completion of the Central Spaces project.”

PW: “I personally found deputising for the Master - at events like reunions - a real pleasure as it was my small way of assisting him, given he has so many priorities competing for his time. I’ve enjoyed working closely not only with the Master but of course with many other Fellows during my term of office. I’m sure Katharine will find that we are blessed with a great team of Senior College Officers.”

What next?

PW: “I’ve missed being a Postgraduate Tutor – a role I occupied for many years but had to give up to take on presidential duties – so I am pleased to be able to pick up that mantle again. I’ll be working with others at St Catharine’s to ensure our postgraduate community continues to thrive and has access to the support it needs.”

KD: “After a decade or so of focusing on the Faculty of Divinity, I am looking forward to being more closely involved in College life again. During my 26 years at Catz, I have had a number of roles – from Steward to Tutor – that involved serving on different committees and I’m now returning to a few of them, which will be familiar territory, plus a few more! My first year in post will be quite a momentous one for the College: we will be welcoming a new Development Director and a new Master in 2023, so supporting them to settle into our community will be a top priority for me.”
