
Reframing failure: Exploring the value of failure 

On Thursday 2 March, the Welbeing Teams at Fitzwilliam College, St Catharine’s College and Hughes Hall invite you to a workshop where we will explore why failure feels so hard, how else we might understand it’s role and value and what approaches can help us find more sustainable and compassionate ways to respond to failure.

The workshop will be facilitated by Claire Thompson (Wellbeing Coordinator at Fitzwilliam College), Mary Simuyandi (Head of Wellbeing at St Catharine’s College) and Dr Ben Marshall (Head of Student Wellbeing and Welfare at Hughes Hall) - taking the form of an informal, facilitation discussion where our experiences of failure and how we respond to them can be explored openly and without judgement with others.

The workshop will be held in Upper Hall 1 at Fitzwilliam College 67.30pm. 

Please sign up here to secure your place on this event. Your data will be shared with the organisers from the three Colleges involved for the purposes of planning this event.