
Catz @ Cambridge Festival

Monday 14 March 2022


Four Fellows from St Catharine’s College are due to showcase their research and expertise during the Cambridge Festival, a series of free events run by the University of Cambridge between 31 March and 10 April:

Following a hugely successful inaugural year in 2021 – which saw well over 100,000 online views from across the world during the Festival period – the Cambridge Festival is set to host over 350 in-person and online events. The aim is to present new ideas, cutting-edge research and historical insight into the issues that affect all of us.

This year’s programme is divided into four key themes (society, health, environment and discovery) and includes debates, talks, exhibitions, lab tours, workshops, films and performances. There are also hundreds of interactive events geared towards children, young people, and families. 

Find out more and sign up for events.
